Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Killing babies

Michael J. fox has Parkinson's disease. He is supporting a polititian in America; Claire McCaskill who believes in the benefits of Embryonic Stem Cell research. To watch this man now makes you want to cry. His disease is really in full swing and the medication is not having the effect it used to have. To see his message go here

However, what is really depressing is that narrow-minded, christian zealots see this as slaughtering babies. Check some of the comments in the comments section at YT there.

Ok, let's suppose for one minute that there is some point to their rants. If we check the bible, it says that God breathes life into the soul as the baby is born, not when it's a single cellular organism. Regardless of this, I'm tired of others making decisions about the science of this research without first checking the facts. In the IVF programme there are hundreds of thousands of these cells that are discarded after one has been used. Can't these be put to good use? Can't the already living benefit from this, or should we just let everybody die of debilitating disease for the betterement of a stem cell. To me, that does not seem at all logical.

For the Hard of Hearing

Feel free to tell me how vain this is...

This was filmed at Shoalhaven Heads Bowling club in 2001.

Monday, October 23, 2006

If I wasn't married...

I met this character a couple of weeks ago at the Master Builder's Club. To be honest, I love her to bits and we have been friends since I can't remember when. Rosanna is probably one of the highlights of my life. She has been a friend to me and a musical colleague who I love, admire and respect and will do so until I drop dead. I hadn't seen her in years, but after her Father's passing she moved back to Wollongong from Sydney and is living with her mum for the time being. When I found out about this I wanted to see her as soon as I could. Seeing her again was like coming up for air. We both have found that we have become more politically motivated in our old age.

Not only is she a brilliant musician, but she had a great set of legs...

A room by any other name

Here we are in late October and the spa has been the centre of many a fun-filled evening sitting around sipping wine, drinking beer and chatting.

Today I'm expecting to take delivery of a pool table to put in the room as well, so I'm sitting here waiting for that to turn up. When it turns up, I will post a picture of it here.

Upcoming Gigs with Quini 2009

  • Aug 14th Kiama Inn
  • June 13th Dapto Leagues
  • May 15th Kiama Inn
  • May 2nd Dapto Leagues