Friday, May 30, 2008

Nightwish with Tarja

Here is one of my favourite bands with their old singer. the new singer is just OK, but really doesn't hold a candle to Tarja who sang with such passion. A shame she was a primadonna.

House Warming Hangover

My esteemed colleague Mr. Quin had his house-warming party last weekend and a good night was had by all. I forced him to ransack his house looking for old videos to watch of him as a young, thin, slightly attractive male in his prime with his old band 'Kid Gloves'. He was none too keen at first, but after finding the tape, we all had a good old laugh and realized just how old we are. We also watched his lovely wife as a contestant on "Perfect Match" with greg Evans. What a hoot!

Alas and Alak (is that how you spell 'alak'?)....I drank too much. The next day was a woeful effort at being human and my head throbbed mercilessly for hours. In between bouts of sleeping and groaning, I managed to keep breathing. I swore an oath to never drink beer again. It was broken two days later as my mate retuned from Holland and forced me to go to the club with him. It was a good decision as we won a motza on the pokies. Something that is done rarely in these tight times.

A night of non-excitement awaits me tonight as Dave and I head off down to Kiama to appease the Gods of Boredom at Kiama Leagues Club. Happy Days...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

How do you answer this question...?

The question usually asked after you've come back from a funeral is most likely "How was it?"

That's a tricky question.

Do you say "It was great! Had the time of my life. Ran into old friends and chatted for quite a while." Or do you say "It was very sad. I cried a lot. People were crying. Somber music was playing and I don't want to go to another one."

For me, I just say "It was a funeral." They are really neither good or bad. You hook up with other people you may know or have not seen in a long time. You may have a laugh, a cry and listen to a minister talk about entering the kingdom of Heaven. You may see a slideshow, you may not. In general, Funerals are an event that are best avoided, but hard to stay away from, especially when the person who died is a close friend or relative. Today's funeral was all the above; moments of sadness, laughter, a slideshow, tea and biccies and chatting to people not seen in quite a while.

Yes, "It was a funeral."

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Yet another day passes

Well, this morning was quite busy. I fielded quite a few calls from old workmates in regards to what happened to Pete. His funeral is tomorrow and I can feel a bout of depression coming on. I was going through my mail contacts list and saw his name in there. It was with a heavy heart that I deleted it from my contacts list.

In other news, my wife tried to kill me by hiding all of the nasal sprays today. She put them in the medicine chest where I would never look for them.

I've decided to add this picture of Kate Fischer just to make myself feel a bit better.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rest in Peace

In the early hours of the morning of the 20th of May, I lost a dear, old friend of mine; Peter Linsley.

He had been suffering from something that it seems the doctors could not contain and the complications surrounding this caused his death. I am feeling quite empty at the moment. Peter was a great mate who had a quick wit and a wonderful imagination. We used to spend a lot of our time working together and playing computer games together.

When we were both working together, the amount of work we had to to do concerned us little as we both enjoyed each others company telling jokes, singing songs and basically making up our own brand of idiocy. The work that we did changed dramatically and towards the end of our time together as work partners, we found ourselves going down a completely different path from where we started. Peter wasn't happy with the direction we were going and decided he would prefer to get back to what he did best and I just kept on heading down another path. However, that didn't stop us from getting together and making the most of our friendship. Peter eventually left our common workplace and moved into another government office just next door to his previous place of employment. He told me that he was only ever given temp work there and was never sure of where he was going to be from one moment to the next, but it didn't really seem to worry him too much.

As the years passed, Pete and I saw less of each other. We found it more difficult to spend any time together as Pete's circle of friends was changing and my family responsibilities kicked in. However, our friendship never waned and when we could get together, we would. It would be just like we had been together the day before. He had confided to me that he was looking at moving to Canberra at one stage and he seemed quite happy about the idea of this, but for one reason or another it didn't eventuate and he remained in Brownsville. When Peter sent me a txt stating that he was in hospital and undergoing surgery for this cancerous growth, I was worried, but he seemed happy enough & sort of philosophical about it all. A period of time after the operation, he was able to go home and I spoke to him on the phone about his ordeal and how he was coping. He sounded quite happy and said to me that he had lost a fair bit of weight over the time he had been in hospital which I put down to the obvious "nutritional value" of hospital food.

About a month and a half had passed and I received a txt from Pete's brother Steven telling me that Peter had to be taken back to hospital and was not in a good way. I sent a message back to Steve to keep me informed of his progress. One night passed and then Steve sent out a txt to say that Peter had passed away this morning.

I'll miss my old mate dearly...God-damned Banana-Head.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tiny Prayer Answered

Years ago, a good mate of mine was taking photos of the band I was in at the time and he took a piccy of me that I always regarded as probably one of the best if not THE best.

I sent the picture away to be published with a band resume that we were having made up at the time and that was the last I saw of it....and the resume. My life (and ego) was shattered! Whatever would I do? All I had was a bad photocopy of the picture and believe it or not, I actually demanded it back from one of the girls I used to work with who I had given it to. I told her that I would get another one to her when I managed to get the original photo back. It never happened. Over a period of a few years, my old friend who took the picture was working at the same place of employment as I and I asked about possibly getting a hold of the negative. His words were not comforting at the time. "I'll have a look, but I really don't know where any of that stuff is. My stuff is in a state of disarray."

I decided that it might be best to move on with my life and not get overtly flustered at the loss of a picture that made me look like a Greek Adonis.

Then, a month or so ago, my old friend Rob contacted me and told me that he had located the negative and that he would not only get the photo reprinted, but that he would also have it blown up for me. I was so happy I ran around the house crying out "He's found it! He's found it! My life is complete!" I'm sure that I ripped off all my clothes and swan-dove into a large glass of water.

So, here for your gratification (and mine) is the picture that I speak of.

Well, I thought I looked good in it anyway....

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Going on Holidays.....again

Well, I suppose it's going to be that I only post something here when I go off on a holiday. This time it's Bali.

The wife and I are heading over there to celebrate mine and my mate Wayne's 50th birthday. Unfortunately, my birthday is actually 2 days after we come home, but I figure that I will still celebrate it anyways. Once again, my mate Buzz and his wife Jaye will also be there. It's been 3 years since I was there with them to be best man at their wedding. The best time of my life I might add. It was great to be there with so many great people.

The picture I have put up here is the view into the courtyard from our balcony. We stayed at the Malasti Beach resort. Four Stars, but felt like five.

YouTube....source for strangeness

There are times when you come across something that really makes you smile. This guy on YouTube has done just that.

Upcoming Gigs with Quini 2009

  • Aug 14th Kiama Inn
  • June 13th Dapto Leagues
  • May 15th Kiama Inn
  • May 2nd Dapto Leagues