Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Long Time Between Drinks

Well, as some of you may know, it takes a bit of time and dedication to keep a blog going, so you will forgive me if I haven't entered anything in here for quite a while. Yes you, the one person out there that reads this drivel.
Well, what should we talk about?


The VPOTUS was in Australia a couple of weeks back and about 800 protestors turned up to greet him. Over two days, the cries of "Bring our troops home now" "No Blood for Oil" and "Cheney's a wanker!" were heard in The Rocks. There was, however, support for the man during his stay. Below is a picture of the enthusiastic support base for the VP.

As shown by the support base here, there is nothing wrong with loving America. However, there is certainly something wrong with loving evil Americans who obviously hate America and other Americans which, with Cheney, is obviously the case.

The Lewinski scandal endured by the Clinton Administration has nothing on this lot; the cover-ups, the corruption, the lies & lack of evidence that took us into an illegal war, the treasonous outing of a covert CIA operative in an attempt to wreak revenge on a man who told us that there were no WMD's in Iraq and no, Hussein did not seek Yellow-cake from Niger, and now the scandals surrounding the Attorney General and biggest weasel of them all Alberto Gonzales (more affectionately known as 'Gonzo').....the list goes on.

It's time to stop this occupation of Iraq and time to shut the Bush apologists up that keep using the same old "We're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them here" meme. What are they going to do? Get in their boats and row over? Please!

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